On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, Sidney City Schools will
be asking voters to approve, for ten years, a
0.75% income tax levy to generate $3.3 million
for the district’s operation.
Simply, the cost of general operating expenses has not decreased. Inflation, school safety needs, state-mandated programs, special education, preschool, College Credit Plus, social and emotional wellness, other unfunded mandates, and changes in how schools are funded/school funding formulas have continued to tighten our budget and have led to the forecasted deficit spending pattern. Additionally, our local revenue sources have essentially flatlined due to little economic growth.
The community kindly renewed an emergency levy in 2018 but it was not enough to completely offset the forecasted budget deficit, which is why we are asking for a new levy. Sidney City Schools has not received new money since 2009 (12 years). Additional funding is needed to ensure we can maintain the quality education our students need to succeed and that will help ensure our community remains strong.
Additionally, the COVID-19 Pandemic has negatively impacted school funding from the state. For the 2019-2020 school year, the district saw a loss of $646,000 from the state. The district is losing an additional $291,000 from the state for the current 2020-2021 school year.
The district has made collective reductions to expenses totaling $3.51 million annually and will be making additional cuts for the 2021-2022 school year, anticipated to save the district $2.1 million, but these cuts will not be enough. The district needs additional local operating revenue to sustain itself without negatively impacting student programs